To Everything There is a Season
Fill-o-soph-ical Friday Bob Hope was in the kitchen having a cup of coffee and his wife asked, “Bob, have you thought about where you want to be buried?” Bob’s reply, “Surprise me.” Over the last couple of weeks, two of music’s...
Choose Your Shot Wisely
Fill-o-soph-ical Friday I was on the golf course with a new friend of mine, Bill. We met a few months ago when I was out practicing my short game at Land Park. We started talking and we ended up playing 9 holes. Bill is a much better golfer than me, and he really...
You gotta “Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive”
You Are What You Think I was talking with good friend who happens to be a commercial real estate broker in North Carolina. I call him when I want to save $150 on therapy. Like me, he is an independent broker and he had worked for a large national company. We talked...
New Year’s Message Sacramento Bacon Commercial Real Estate
A New Year’s Message From Bacon Commercial Real Estate Business goal setting and New Year’s resolutions can be tough. Both require some extra introspection, and that’s typically easier when everything is going just right. New Year’s resolutions are usually personal,...