Why Do I Do This?
Choices Each day, we have a simple choice to make. Will we have an opportunistic and optimistic attitude, or will we lie in bed thinking about everything that could go wrong? Do you ever end the day relieved that nothing bad happened? I used to. I am not saying...
The Beautiful Game
I went to the Screening of “The Beautiful Game” sponsored by Lance Hastings, the Director of CMTA. It turns out that the members of this year’s class of Leadership Sacramento were there. The Guild Theater in Oak Park is a great venue that seats about 100 people. ...
Understanding Key Ratios Commercial Lenders Use
Properties of all shapes and sizes are under the Lender’s microscope. Even property “owners” with long-term relationships with multiple assets with the same lender are under the lender’s microscope. Lenders use ratios, and when the ratios don’t match up with a...
Sacramento Regional Transit – If We Build it, Will they Come?
Sacramento Light Rail gets a makeover, but how will we pay for it? And If we expand it, how will we increase ridership? Will it help if Gas Prices hit $10 a gallon? In Europe, mass transit is widely used; why? Here’s what’s happening: New Trains, Improved...