Rotary is not Just Lunch
Rotary Is Not Just Lunch Sacramento Rotary currently has about 300 members. Worldwide there are over 1.2 million Rotarians. Rotary International is tackling Polio, helping impoverished villages in third world countries build irrigation infrastructure and teaching...
Go Green or Go Home
Go Green or Go Home! Being from California, going Green is not longer optional. From 1978 for residential – and 1980 for non-residential – the EPA has gradually accelerated the energy regulations around new construction. These regulations are Title 24....
Sacramento’s CORE: Par, Birdie, Eagle. Albatross next?
Sacramento’s Core (Midtown and Downtown) is not very sneaky. In fact the whole world has taken notice. One thing I didn’t now about Core is this: Core recently took up golf, and in 2015 made the PGA Tour. In a matter of months, Core has risen to the...