
Each day, we have a simple choice to make.  Will we have an opportunistic and optimistic attitude, or will we lie in bed thinking about everything that could go wrong?  Do you ever end the day relieved that nothing bad happened?  I used to.

I am not saying that you can “think away” your challenges.  I used to have to fight my way through a day because I woke up in reactionary mode.  I never understood anxiety until I experienced it a couple of years ago.  I had to lie down outside and breathe for 20 minutes.  Fortunately, I have been relieved of the anxiety, and the cure was relatively swift.

The Serenity Prayer

You don’t have to be religious to benefit from the Serenity Prayer.  Which says:

“God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.”  

I probably go to the Serenity Prayer twice a day.  Remember, 95% of the things we worry about never happen, and of the things that might happen, we can’t do anything to change most of them.  But when we can do something about it, “Just Do It.”

I grew up in Orinda in the 70’s and saw the A’s dominate the decade with three World Series victories.  They are moving, and there is nothing I can do about that.  Fortunately, The A’s chose to spend some time in Sacramento.  So, I guess you could say that we are unintended beneficiaries.  But this might be tough to accept for the fans still in the Bay area.

Acknowledge, Assess, Plan, Act.

Of the 101 things swirling in your head (AKA Squirrels), let’s say there are five that you can do something about.  First, acknowledge the relevant squirrels. 

I am working on a deal where the buyer seems indifferent. We are a few days away from waiving the financial contingency. However, the appraisal came in 7% below the contract price. The contract price included all the FF&E in the building and a new Solar system. The Solar system alone makes up the 7% delta.

The Buyer is not a squirrel; he is a successful business owner.  However, the situation is a squirrel.  I have acknowledged the squirrel.  I have assessed the squirrel, and it is clear that either the buyer is getting squirrelly because the appraisal came in below the contract price or the buyer’s motivation to buy has gone away.

The plan:  Provide the Buyer with information substantiating the value and let the buyer make an objective decision.  If the buyer is no longer interested in buying the property, I can do little about that.  But if it is strictly the delta between the appraisal and the contract price, the information I provide might provide the buyer with the comfort level to move forward.  Intelligent, successful people do not like to be sold or knowingly persuaded. 

The Past is a Thief!  It steals your dreams and imagination.

I know people who hold onto the past, the grudges, and the anger. Reliving the past is a huge energy suck, and it makes it impossible to move forward optimally.  Confucius said, “He who seeks revenge digs two graves.”   

I have been in the business for forty years.  Business has changed significantly.  Not only are there many new bright and motivated commercial real estate brokers out there, but technology has changed.  Fortunately, if you have an open mind, even an old dog can learn new tricks!   It is not easy, but it can be done.

Remember the lessons learned, focus on the present, and consider the future. Now, you can make the right choice!   Have a great day!